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Mar 3, 2025

straight cheecks

The techer made me eata cow ballsack and now i have diarriah and some rando american kid joind and gave me goneroh from analing me
Sep 1, 2024

Not good

Not good, lots of bummy teachers but some good ones but some bummy ones
Jun 6, 2024

Cashmere high school is kinda good

90% of student are on cocaine all the time
Nov 19, 2023

Literally breaking bad 🫃🫃🤑

Cashmere High School is a prime example of everything that can go wrong in a school.

Discipline at Cashmere High School is a joke. The administration seems more interested in turning a blind eye to bullying and misconduct than actually addressing the issues. It's no wonder the school has a reputation for being a breeding ground for troublemakers.
People I know are consistently Vaping, smoking weed, doing heroin, meth, cocaine and fentanyl. My first day i was offered to work for one of the numerous class run drug cartels. Shootouts happen on a hourly basis, and bullet holes pepper doorways. Not to mention the racist policies, Teachers cant tell the difference between people of color. They are always calling students a plethora of racial slurs.
Not to mention the other students always swear, fight, and are drinking in class; i once saw a classmate drink 64 bud lights in a science period. These kids are off the hook. Kids walk in and beat up students, and teachers encourage fights between students. My head of school runs a money laundering operation from the schools market days. There are loads of needles all over the floor. I have to say, the canteen is the only good bit.

These girls in my class make me want to overdose on one of the many drugs the school produces. They just vape in class, drink all day and then smoke weed in the hallways. These girls think they own the school. You know i think i caught my science teacher synthesizing meth, wanna be Walter white fr fr. I caught my English's and math's teacher smoking crack at interval, and they offered me and my friend's a hit. Kids constantly abuse this stupid, fetid, decrepit, derelict, dilapidated, corrupt, tainted, meme soundboard, and blast a sound effect form a game called clash royale. This game isn't even fun, and people span the heheheha emote. ITS NOT FUNNY.
There are 4 classrooms in total, shared between 2300 kids, and all of them are tweaking 24/7. There are kids hanging from the celling. What the hell? Bro I'm trying get my GED and this kid thinks He's spiderman.
As I'm writing this i watched a teacher run through s block with a chair. My science teacher dares to write to my parents about me talking in class, whilst she had said meth in trays below her desk. I'm done with this school its a effort to wake up with the weight of attending this WARZONE day in day out. The only real one was our y9 social studies but he got fired for some reason and now we got some dusty old guy and his monotone voice and his terrible subject. I said some good stuff about the canteen, but really its some shit, the size of the food had decreased by the power of 10 and the prices have doubled. Honestly you would eat better in ww2.

I have to say, the school grounds are really nice, the outdoor areas are green and very nice, however you cant get past the tweakers hiding in the bushes. I've been jumped 19 times and some guy ran up on me with a needle and injected me with something, and now I've got a rash on my face.

If you value your child's education and well-being, do yourself a favor and steer clear of Cashmere High School. There are plenty of other institutions that offer a more nurturing and academically stimulating environment. Sending your child to this educational wasteland would be a disservice that could have lasting consequences on their future success.

Overall Defo a chill school just don't pay any attention to the people that fill the school. Have a good one g and dont forget to subscrbe for my giveaway. 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️
Jul 13, 2023

Great school

Really good school especially compared to other schools. So many opportunities and high expectations. I bet the negative comments are just the same kids who will hate school no matter what. Rate the Principal highly, he knows his stuff. Teachers are great overall. Buildings and facilities are good. Has set me up well for university and life.
Apr 23, 2023

Great school

Brilliant school! Loved my time there. Great principal and teachers.
Former Student
Mar 15, 2023

poor experience

Going to Cashmere made me miserable.
As someone who struggles with anxiety and depression all I can say is that going there made it ten times worse. :)
Former Student
Mar 14, 2023

Descent school

It’s an okay school. There are often bullying situations in every class from specific groups of boys which teachers usually just ignore after a while. Vaping and drugs is horrendous and teachers are very biased to the top students. If your not the best in the class you’ll never get much attention or recognition. Trips and most classes are boring, lots of trips are just going on walks or to the museum if your lucky enough for your teacher to bother organising it. Most teachers are okay but some are absolutely terrible… luck of the draw unless your in a gate class. Overall it’s okay, I wouldn’t go back or send anyone else there after my experience but year 13 is good because there is no uniform and you get to be a bit more independent.
Former Student
Feb 21, 2023

Well f*ck

Support for learning disabilities is more like punishment than anything counsellors who only make shit worse and don't care about the students however the student bullying was never an issue so all in all the staff suck
Former Student
Feb 11, 2023

Good teachers shitty system

Senior management are horrible and issues are not handled well. Also people who need extra support defiantly do slip through the cracks.

That being said the vast majority of the actual teachers are so amazing and invested and that makes a big big difference.

I did well here but I am still angry about lots of things. It seems like the put the schools image above student welfare
Former Student
Feb 11, 2023

very mediocre

lack of diversity is insane. lots of homohobia and lack of care from the teachers when it comes to students getting bullied. only one decent counselor. it's a very academic school, they do not seem to care about you unless you have good grades and are a perfect student.
Feb 10, 2023

Cashmere High School

Cashmere High was a great school, good opportunities and teachers who want the best for their students. This school showed empathy and understanding with personal matters and while still getting the best out of their students academically. Overall a great school.
Nov 3, 2022

Could be good

It has the opportunity to be a great school, but it’s seems like teachers worry more about your uniform than your grades. Some teachers are great (Miss vincent, Mr Searle) but the deputy principals, head of years and every p.e/health teacher act like police. Mr Johnson said to switch schools if I don’t like the rules (I had blacks vans with no logos instead of cashmeres overpriced uncomfortable school shoes). Which is super stupid because it’s not like I’m doing bad at school they just have it out for you and have nothing better to do than argue with teenagers.
Former Student
Oct 25, 2022

This school aint it like they say it is

This school was fun for one reason, ftiends, i used to have a pretty big friendgroup (no we werent the faggots that would hang at the canteen and just stare at you) miss beer was my head of year and made it so i couldnt hangout with my friends because apparently i wasnt doing good in class, even tho i would ask for help they would either just give me the answer or completely ignore me not teqch me how to do it and make me solve the problem. I liked this school for the students i got along with everyone there pretty well tbh but the restrictions they can put on you is like prison, i remember i got into trouble for something i didnt do amd had to do an inschool standown once a week for ten weeks straight so it would make me behind in classes then i wouldnt be able to pass it because i wasnt learning as much coz i was too busy in the contract room for shit i didnt do. Miss dougherty the science teacher mr b the maths teacher mr cobyn the english teacher, and miss mcnichole were probably my favourite teachers as they kinda understood what was happening and knew i was a good kid but miss beer made and mr johnston made me seem out to be a kid and basically gave me no hope, they later told me i would be able to do a part time course aswell as coming to school the days i didnt have school and i was actually keen on this as one of my course mates was also in my form class, i get sent into the hoy offices and told that im not allowed back at cashmere since im doing the course and they didn't even let me come back after the course was done so thry fucked up my education, and they only like to help people who are already doing good in school. The school is very onesided if ur not the smartest they wont help you, if you have too much fun with your friends they take that away from you and monitor you, if you get into trouble for something you didnt even know or do then get ready to be in the contract room.
I really did like this school its just that the head of years were acting like they are cops nd shit like that it was actual crackup.
Oh yeah one more thing, they really love getting into your personal life and want to know what you do outside of school e.g what you do with your friends hows family why were you doing that the other day. They didnt let me ha e a private life and it felt horrible knowing my fake dad was talking all this bs to them about me. You guys ruined my views on education as you made it feel like a crime if i didnt know something or i was having too much fun in interval or lunch. Hence why i bunked so much oz i couldnt deal with fuckers trying to interfear with my life.
Funny to say i was basically getting mentally bullied from the teachers and not the students lmao

Canteen was good till they started shrinking everything and charging more, people noticed one day and the canteen had fuck all peoppe there for once.
Heard their shit is still too expensive for what you get.

They had heaps of cameras which is actually a good thing as alot of people do dumb shit at cashmere, but that sidnt stop a whole friendgroup(15 of us) leaving through the main gates during interval and we didnt even get caught outside of school so the scurity is pre eh and one time my bike hot stolen from where you put ur bikes

They were shit at handling bullying i saw people get bullied and it was more students stopping the bullying as the teachers wouldn't notice it.

Equal rights isnt really a thing there, my friend dyed his hair red coz he thought he could coz of all the sick and confused people were allowed to do it but he got an instant red card sijce he isnt part of the "lgbt" and "he knew that its in the rules you aren't allowed to" even tho it was just him expressing himself

Heaps of sporting equipment loved the trampoline as no one else in my class could do much flips

They are somehow really proud of their school and how "well behaved" their students are, they are only proud of their school coz of their new buildings and their equipment

I wouldn't say it was necessarily a challenge it was just a challenge dealing with teachers who think ur vaping or on ur phone coz they suck at teaching.

Personally for me i would never send my child to this school unless i wanted them to end up doing drugs and becomjng suicidal, they drained me out nd gave me no hope in myself, now im 17 and im making more money then some of my teachers there so thats great.

Hopefully thia school acrually gets some nice people in their school to teach

Everyone is fake there too sti k to your day ones
Apr 15, 2021

Good teachers

We love mr cox and mr mirward
Mar 4, 2021


Cashmere is improving gradually. The school buildings are being updated but a majority of the blocks are pretty shoddy. The teachers are hit or miss and the mental health side of things needs a lot more funding. I've been fortunate so far with my experience but I've heard many stories about bullying and poor culture. Cashmere is a bit restrictive in terms of expressing individuality but it is slowly improving. And my main advice is don't do economics!!
Feb 13, 2021

Good school

there are always gonna be some things that are a bit hit or miss, like I’ve obviously had teachers I didn’t like and not all of the classrooms are great. but overall big fan, the newer buildings are nice (although it’s not like you need fancy facilities to learn), most teachers are good at their job and everyone basically respects each other even if you don’t get along. it’s a good school for making friends because there are so many different circles you can hang out in.

the reviews on here sound like a few people have had bad experiences which sucks but personally I’m glad I go here.
Oct 31, 2020

rating my experience

has a great sports programme for all years, very good at communicating with each student and the parents. has high expectations when following the cove values.
Former Student
Oct 25, 2020

absolutely not oh god plz no

Absolutely do not come here. Do not send your kids here. The teachers are shit and if you have an ounce of individuality the students there will judge you with their raspberry cruisers and their air force ones.
Oct 20, 2020

Cashmere high review

Good school overall but a lot of the teachers genurnly make your life hell and seem to hate kids and their lives (Mr Gibson+ Mrs van oyen)
Oct 16, 2020

poor school

it’s alright get detentions for no reason pretty bad school tbh
Sep 22, 2020


Good school. Not great if you have mental health issues.
Sep 14, 2020

Cashmere is great

Great school, bad reputation for some reason. Teachers are fantastic, no complaints.
Sep 9, 2020


It is alright, the teachers are good some not so much, it has an okay environment, subject options are varied but I think Maths shouldn't be compulsory in year 11, and also Science split up in year 11, we should get more freedom
Sep 6, 2020

Great School

Excellent school. Great staff.
Aug 27, 2020

don’t go here

where do i start? cashmere is a horrible school, home to awful students, bullying, drug use, bad teachers, horrible classroom environments and so much more. the classrooms themselves are gross and you could literally never learn in one even if you tried to focus because of the noise level, rowdy students and teachers who have no clue what they’re on about. i had to move school because of how crap it is! would not recommend to anyone thinking of moving or starting here
Rose Street, Unknown, Christchurch
Joe Eccleton
03 332 9129

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