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Feb 15, 2025


Cullinane is the best
Mar 10, 2021

Cullinane College

Cullinane College

The old Principle K.Shore was THE best. My kid loved having him as their High School Principal for the years he was there, When the new Principal came she started to not like school as much, he was making drastic changes to the school like banning Headphones & Black puffer jackets he said it made the school look untidy. My kid said they felt like he cared way to much about the image of the school then he did about the kids there. The teachers are the BEST & had such great support for each other. I’m grateful that is where my child finished their education
Oct 6, 2020

Best public collage in Whanganui

Best public-ish college in whanganui, good community, good teachers that focuses on the individual students, wouldn't go anywhere else.
Sep 30, 2020

Te Kura Kareti o Karareina

The kapa haka and music side of the school for me are my favourites, the winter uniform makes me feel very intelligent, but sometimes I hate that we can't wear hoodies (not even black ones or our school sports or Kapa Haka ones) on the really cold and wet days as We are only allowed plain black jackets, but those are kind of expensive and aren't very warm even if you have your school Jersey on. And I kind of don't like that we can't listen to music while doing work, because me as an attentive person I need music to 'distract' me from distractions if that makes sense, but I understand that students have neglected that privelage by going on their phones. But I just want to say that I'm grateful that I even go to school and have all I need to succeed. As an overall I love the school and considering it wasn't the school I wanted to go to originally in my year 9, I love it and all the knowledge and different experiences the school's given me. At Cullinane College; The teachers are nice, the Canteen food is great, and the learning environment is excellent. One downfall of the school is that there are alot of bullies, even if the teachers can't see that, we as the students witness the behaviours of other students, the behaviours and 'sides' of the people that teachers may have not experienced. Also, I'm very uncomfortable with people standing behind me and talking to teachers and staff, so when teachers stand over me and (I know they're only trying to help me with my mahi) they talk to me, inside I'm really scared; so I shut down, barely talk, I stay still, and push them away, it's something I'm working on as an individual but I don't think that fear and anxiety of mine will severe any time soon, so please be mindful of that for me. I miss our dearly beloved Aunty Carol so much and I hope that she is proud of our kura. Our school is forever thriving with student academia and sport champions, but one thing I remember about Aunty Carol is that she stayed humble. She is one of the reasons our kura has such a family orientated environment and was the person who took action toward the 'maori' kids when the teachers had a grievance with one of the Te here Ataamai descendants. Humbleness is a virtue, so we as a school must treat everything as kindly as possible;no aggressive behaviour shoving wins in each others faces, never forgetting where we came from as a school, never taking for granted all that we have, embracing our 2 founding schools who gave us a legacy to uphold, that's why it's in our school song "let us stand upon their legacy" because we have a standard to keep, and we as Cullinane need to make sure we are forever upholding that beautiful legacy those before us kept. So whomever is reading this, tell the students, remind them that school is a privelage not a right, but don't shove in their faces the fact that their are less fortunate or that you'll send them to timeout or something if they don't act right, because then the students aura will change, and they'll start coming back with snarky comments. Also, just a note to the teachers, pls don't be to tough on us, after all we are still kids and have our own ways of learning, I don't mean to sound disrespectful at all so I'm sorry if I come across like that, but sometimes all the yelling and loudness does not make things any better, plus the student that you're trying to nudge might have stuff on their mind. Even though we as students and individuals must leave our home life at home, sometimes the trauma of whatever may be going on at home follows us to school, but it can be reversed too, so I'll be mindful to treat the teachers with kindness not rude behaviour. So we must all be mindful of the fact that we never know what someone is going through outside of school, and we never know what's happening behind the closed doors of someones home. But yeah, let us all Thank God for giving us all that we have for our kura, and pray that everyone is having a safe holiday, pray that love is guiding our world and not hate, and pray that we are making our Tupuna proud as Cullinane College. For the love of God, Life and learning, may Ihoa bless us all.
15 Peat Street, 4500, Whanganui
Justin Harper
06 349 0105

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