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Feb 26, 2025

Ronda woolford is a meany Panini

Ronda woollies made my experience here a nightmare and I will never forgive her for that.
Aug 7, 2024

do better for your students

ive had many complaints from a student in this school and its about the teachers thinking they have used AI for their assignments which then conclude to them failing the subject
Former Student
Jun 4, 2024

Shit school, but is it what it is.

A lot of overdramatic year 10s have been leaving pretty poor reviews. However in my opinion it is not as bad as some people make it out to be. I think it would be hard to find a school better out in West Auckland without going private, however this school is definitely pretty poor. A lot of the teachers are pretty bad, I feel like none of the math department can speak intelligible English, I'm unsure as to why they continue to hire people who can't speak the language their teaching in. All of the English teachers are pretty good and I personally do not have many complaints about that department. Vaping runs rampant and honestly if your child has "popular" social circle, there is almost a definite chance they will end up vaping. Drugs also are featured pretty heavily within school, inside and out. I've only seen a few cases in which the drug use is class A, but usually drug use ends with Ket or MD, and in most cases probably just mushrooms and weed. My main complaint with the school is the staff, apart from the occasional druggie and pretend hood rat (I'm looking at all those privileged white "hoodrat" year 11s that definitely live in suburban Titirangi) the student side of things is fine. However some of these teachers are absolutely terrible and do not deserve the job they have. I originally wanted to go to Uni for Comp Sci, however the teacher is so horrendous I have completely given up on that idea, they have done things like fail me (and other people) for no reason, other than they don't like me. Also lied to my parents at PST's, also tried to lie about the authenticity of my work when she knows I did it and watched me write it, only to back away when I threatened to go to the deans about it. She also introduces new rules (that the NZQA do not require or even mention) just to make it harder for me to submit my work. In my opinion if you feel you have any future within the Digital landscape after schooling, stay VERY far away from GBHS. I also have no dog in this fight, I've left school so I do not care what happens there, just giving my honest opinions. Also the amount of SAs (meksual masault) is absolutely insane. I know of at least 3 confirmed rapahs that attend that school as we speak. It actually so mental how if no legal action is taken the school won't do a damn thing, not even protecting victims from the assaulter, just leaving them both to roam the school, sometimes they might offer to give them counseling, but I'm sorry, they're so useless its actually funny. So honestly I wouldn't send my child here but you don't really have another choice that's much better, you're just going to have to come to terms with the fact that public school in Auckland is just shit no matter how you slice it, and unless homeschooled, ya kids are gonna have to go through some shit.
Mar 1, 2023

Don’t go here

this school is the reason why i’m depressed. i hate going there everyday more then anything and 3/4 of the teachers couldn’t teach if their life depended on it. they are terrible at handling students with any kind of neurodiversity and will punish them for symptoms of a disorder that they literally know about.
Former Student
Feb 18, 2023

Absolutely Terrible

Care more about Uniform than student health or well being or even education. Made me want to leave and never consider school again because of the sheer thoughtlessness from most of the staff. Fiona Barker is not a good principle and it has been proven many times. If you are at all worried about making sure your child is in any way shape or form, happy and thriving you will not send them here.
Feb 7, 2023

greenbay has gangsta skunks

schools gangsta as, cones on the field are alg cause the teachers are cluless
Dec 3, 2022


Green bay high school is a drug school.

This school was alright. I mean tje girls bathroom was used to vape always, kids literally dealt drugs outside like sharing and giving to their friends and the unisex bathroom is used to have sex during class time so it's really great. Dont even want to know what they do in the boys bathrooms. The teachers are alright, some are absolutely great but some are horrible and won't teach you a single thing. Literally went to school for my friends but that is alright I guess.
Dec 3, 2022

Decent school

Pretty good school - mostly good teachers, friendly deans/senior staff, decent academics and lots of opportunities in sport and performing arts e.t.c. Uniform’s quite strict but year 13s wear mufti which makes it worth it. Most teachers care about the students and not just their grades and try to talk to and get to know them (it usually helps motivate students to learn when they feel like they can talk to their teacher) . There’s obviously vaping and drugs and stuff but this happens in every school to some extent anyway
Aug 17, 2022

Year 12

Better than avcol!!

Not as bad as everyone says it is and percieves. Yes the vaping in the bathrooms and so on is a issue but its present in almost all schools now. There are also other small issues with management of sports teams and clubs for time. But overall the teachers help u one on one if you need it and don't just let kids go. The uniform rules are way more loose than other schools like a avcol and mags.
Jun 13, 2022

wouldnt recommend

been at this school for four years and I want to move. the most fakest students you will ever meet. there’s two massive groups who are the most ‘relevant’ and everyone else kinda minds their own business. But in those groups all they do is talk shit about eachother, they live on drugs and parties, and if you happen to get dragged into it you’ll be fine for a month odd until they get bored and they’ll twist every story and tell everyone lies about you and make all of them hate you and they will go out of their way to make your life miserable. they talk shit like they’re life depends on it. Oh also they’ll send you death threats and bully you online and threaten to get people to come beat you up and /or that they’ll do it themselves. there’s so many fights because they say “talk shit get hit” even if they didn’t, people just make things up. it’s real depressing. also teachers are pretty vain and rude and treat you like you’re feelings dont matter and it makes you feel worse than you already do. no one has sympathy or remorse and everyone only cares about themselves. So strict on uniform, always claims you’ve been absent when you havent, some teachers are alright tho. not many. Although there’s this one reliever teacher who’s super sweet. People crowd out every bathroom to vape, lots of wagging, disrespect, I walk in the bathroom and all I smell is weed and/or vape juice. and I always hear people crying in the bathroom, and so many people leave half way through the day cos of their mental health. Councillors are the epitome of useless. all they say is “hmmm” “how does that make you feel” and u leave the room feeling worse than you did to begin with. wouldn’t recommend if you don’t want your child to be a depressed druggie with no education.
May 23, 2022


Better than avondale college

Honestly shout out to the teachers. Almost all the teachers were friendly to me except my English teacher, but the school staff helped me a lot with my anxiety (I'm still dealing with it in school though). The kids are ok in my opinion. Most girls are stuck up while some boys are just disgusting, and the school bathroom is always filled with people who vape and skip class. High school has really ruined me and I'm not sure if it's just because I'm new. I try to avoid school or stay home all day. I really don't know if I'd rather move to a new school or at least to make more friends.
May 8, 2022


This school used to have a terrible reputation but it's a lot better now.

-From a Lynfield College Student
Former Student
May 2, 2022


triple cheeseburger large combo
Apr 29, 2021

Good school, kinda ghetto

Legends say that upon your 3rd fight won at this school, you will be visited in the night by a spirit that will offer you free cigarettes. Joking only, but yeah. Lots of vapers, smokers, drinkers, and druggies. It's a lot better than it used to be from what I hear, though. You can kind of just tell be the uniforms it's not the greatest school in the country, but it is a good school. Overall nice teachers, good classes, and the principal's doing good things here. Maybe wouldn't have come here knowing what I know now if I had a choice between here and somewhere like Avondale, although I don't really know what Avondale's like. I've had some good times and met some cool people, though.

With the construction currently going on it's sometimes a bit tedious to get around, and it seems like they're always fixing something over the holiday and they never have it done by the time students come back. Every time it's done it's better than it was, especially B block and F block, but parts of E, C, and D blocks are still in need of renovation. Not like absolutely dreadful condition, they're nice enough, but they just feel a bit out of the times.
Mar 3, 2021

Year 12

Interesting school

Pretty good, most of the teachers are helpful and 🤓. Heaps of druggies tho, unless you count that as a good thing? There aren't any overseas scholarships which sucks, but there are heaps of domestic scholarships. There's no camps, there are no school trips either. The uniform is way too strict, I mean c'mon can't even have blue nail polish? Who does nail polish even affect tho?? And the school wall colours suck, it's so draining to see a yolk yellow because it makes you depressed as hell! But, here's something better, you get mufti in year 13, best thing about this school to ever exist is that. I for one think that the tuck shop is way too overpriced. Bloody 2.50 bucks for a garlic bread, AND THEY DON'T EVEN INCLUDE THE BLOODY GARLIC. But, the school is a little above average in the sports department with opportunities for everyone. And the tech department is bomb. They have the best equipment and resources where you just let your creativity flowwwww. Anyways I recommend the school if none of those things bother you, because in the end academics wise, it's a good school. You know, you learn and understand and apply, which is what school is for.

- Review By Secret Santa ❤
Feb 19, 2021

It’s Great

Genuinely a great school. Teachers are relaxed yet passionate enough for class to genuinely be enjoying. Rules regarding uniform are not as strict as other schools in the area. It’s easier to get to know everyone at this school too. Also, the senior staff regularly walks around and talks to students, apart from the uniform comments that sometimes annoy students, it really helps us develop a bond with all staff members. Teachers genuinely care about us, and the teachers I’ve had have been so lovely to me. Also, have very rarely experienced homophobia or racism, and the school actively pushes a 0 discrimination policy, even though there are a few instances of bullying that people encounter. Overall, it’s a pretty good school :)
Feb 10, 2021


Great place for learning. Great teachers. Socially great as well .
Sep 16, 2020

Not bad

Most of the teachers are of a high standard, with extra support and help services available. Year 13 mufti is a bonus. A bit strict on the uniform.
Aug 28, 2020

Gbhs sucks

Rules are too strict, uniform and stuff, teachers also push the students too much to always have stuff done. The principle is really stuck up too, I recommend any other school in west Auckland instead :)
Jun 15, 2020


Great high school. I love it.
143-161 Godley Road, 0604, Auckland
Fiona Barker
09 817 8173

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