wow this school is so good I have had and are having a great year Henderson intermediate is a family warming and friendly school staff are nice even the principles are too students can make friends easily so I rate this school 100% best school for sports too. just the food 0/100 sorry
Hi, I'm a student in Henderson Intermediate. I'm a year 8 and I want to tell you that, YOU SHOULDNT COME TO THIS SCHOOL! unless you're an Islander. I'm not joking when I said that this school is the worst, I can't even play a game without someone being racist to me, it sucks here because these Islanders make fun of your skin colour no matter who you are, literally one kid said something about a teacher without him knowing. The learning kind of sucks depending on what class you're in, some students who need more learning get classes with sporty teachers and shit, which is not really far because they need to get ready for high school and other things in life. Also, there's a lot of fights that happened here so yea, and if your African or Assan just don't come here, trust me I'm African and yea doesn't feel good to be called names.
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