The masters of learning, most noble in their craft, do teach with patience and great wit, guiding their charges with the steady hand of a mariner upon a stormy sea. No question is left unanswered, no mind left untended, for in this place, all are bid to rise above the common dust of ignorance.
Verily, the halls do echo with the laughter of merry youths, yet in study, their spirits are resolute. The library, a trove most bounteous, doth brim with tomes that whisper the wisdom of ages past. And lo, in sport and in art, these pupils are no less adept, for their talents shine like the stars in night's vast firmament.
JMC has a wide tapestry of cultures and has a excellent bunch of teachers. With the students at the school being limited to 500 students the individual feedback you get can boost you into excellence. The boys at the school help each other with their learning and are extremely well behaved.
boys taste so good from the backside, changing room first 15 goes hard. boys are so kind. teachers are grumpy. hockey players touch each overs legs weirdly. but student are kinda cute ngl 😍😍. borders probably touch each over in there dorms tbh. a lot of not right mean stuff though like identity fraud and shop lifting.
As an ex student this school is horrible the faculty apart from a few who have since left make an effort to offer any help to those with learning disabilities not that those with learning disabilities deserve more attention they will look for any chance to get rid of such students like myself as they i suppose dont want to ruin their image. Day boys get favoured over boarders to another level where one kid in my year would hit and punch people but it was fine because he had a learning disability but because I would struggle in class and occasionally be disruptive and to be fair slightly argumentative when they belittled me I was kicked out of the hostel but not the school itself also the students love to show off their families wealth so if you aren’t an arrogant c*nt you shouldn’t go here they also have many students of the 2023 leavers who have sexually assaulted many girls from neighbouring schools but when the school is called out they do nothing proving my point that the faculty is as bad as the students
Bloody great experience, great teachers, great facilities and great students.
Although the school has a distinctive culture and a divide between day boys and boarders which has resulted in quite a conundrum in terms of schoolyard antics.
Another aspect to consider is the culture against sexuality, although all boys are open to people being homosexual there tends to be a trend of a difference between what they say and how they act towards the students which means the majority of boys only come out after leaving the school.
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Verily, the halls do echo with the laughter of merry youths, yet in study, their spirits are resolute. The library, a trove most bounteous, doth brim with tomes that whisper the wisdom of ages past. And lo, in sport and in art, these pupils are no less adept, for their talents shine like the stars in night's vast firmament.