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May 29, 2024

Year nine

If you love your children, do not send them to this school.

Attempted to enrol my child at this school. Had relocated, son had been in a bit of trouble at previous schools, due to the parent he was forced to live with. He had not attended school for almost a year. Not been in any trouble ANYWHERE for a year. This kid hated school, yet on two seperate occasions, he (of his own accord) did his hair, put on nice clothes, and turned up, WILLING AND WANTING TO GO TO SCHOOL. Sue Buckley, had the disgusting nerve to imply- that because my son wasn’t bouncing off the walls to be there (was a table meeting. What kid enjoys this?!?) that meant he didn’t want to attend school. I asked “what kid actually wants to be at school?” And she replied “well all 700 of mine do” which is an ABSOLUTE LIE!!!! We were picked up and dropped by this school. Completed enrolment at the beginning of the year, and it wasn’t u til I made plans to home school him IN APRIL- AFTER EXTREMELY SPARSE COMMUNICATION FROM THE SCHOOL, and an intervention from the local Iwi, and promises of funding did they decide my son was worthy of being there. This school has NO interest in bettering children’s lives. They are money hungry and bond profiteering off the abuse of our kids. I worked in a salon in town, that sue went to, and found it incredibly ironic she had the time to make sure she had her hair done before the staged shoot on Anzac Day, but couldn’t be bothered sending an email to me or even asking me anything about my child. I’ve spoken to that hideous warlock once. Fake and has no modicum of knowledge about kiwi kids at all. Selfish and narcissistic. Do yourselves a favour, and don’t send your kids here. I am going to tell every single person I know about what they did to us, wasting half a year for no good reason at all. Just because they want to feel powerful, because the reality is, they’re nobodies, and have to extort and abuse to get through life. I see you for exactly what you are Sue Buckley, and I’m going to make sure everyone else sees too. You picked the wrong child and parent to attempt to abuse. I will be seeking financial compensation for the half a year wasted with no communication and no outcome given, no apology. I was even accused of storming out of meetings- and I had a witness, and her kids go to the school as well. Deliberately lying to cover themselves and project the issues into the other party when it was Sue all along. I don’t understand her twisted vendetta against us, but her bitterness and ugliness inside runs very deep. I would not trust this critter around children at all.
Former Student
Oct 15, 2023

Do not send your kids to this school.

This school has always had a bad reputation over the years but lately it has been getting worsened, the school mostly focuses on the kids vaping and their uniform and not much on the students education which is really missed up. no one has to be given a detention because they wore a hoodie in the winter, jewellery was also a big deal even tho it didn’t have anything to do with their education or school life. Fights are at high levels but teachers don’t show much empathy, what? kids getting punished for vaping (which is understandable) but not punishing the kids that bully and beat up the other students is low. this school has been on the NZ Bay of Plenty times, and they claim to say they are trying to help out the students but everything remains the same. Don’t get me wrong some of the teachers are really sweet and will help out whenever they can. All i can say is that this school will ruin your kids mental health and teach them nothing. there are many different options for schools so please keep that in mind!
Mar 11, 2023

What I think about Katikati College

Katikati college isn’t anything special. Students are suspended for vaping and vandalism but where’s the same attitude and action for those who bully and hurt others? This principal needs to step up their game. It’s honestly tiring hearing what goes on in this school and not much is being done. But there are some cool teachers here who do care. Especially the polynesian teacher who runs the pasifika class. She’s awesome, big heart and very welcoming. She protects people and helps speak for them when they can’t. She cares a lot about her students/ teachers and the environment we are in. Regarding money, where ever it goes to that we give to the school could be going to bigger and important things than using it to make small changes like adding chairs or fixing buildings that don’t involve classes. I don’t want to be giving money and then it gets wasted on useless stuff. The teachers need to calm down, I’m trying to pee not vape. Patrolling the school bathrooms isn’t going to make students stop, and accusing everyone in the toilets of doing it is frustrating. No students should have vapes in the school but they will find ways to bring one in. I actually use the bathrooms for what it’s for and it’s irritating whenever they get closed because of these dumb students vaping like their life depends on it, I don’t know their situation but it’s getting tiring. And I know the teachers are just trying to do something but their way of “fixing” this problem isn’t doing anything. Now it’s not a completely terrible school but it is definitely replaceable. I don’t like how the teachers are always looking out for the poly students because they’re apparently the ones who do all the “naughty” stuff. Maybe if they opened their eyes wider and focused on everyone equally they’d be able to see it’s not just a certain group that’s doing the wrong thing, because you’re so focused on that one group it’s giving a lot of other students chances to do something bad because they know you won’t care enough for them because your too busy eye balling the brown kids watching their every move. Like okay yes it’s mostly them but it’s not ALWAYS them. I reckon they could do a lot better with the canteen. Katikati primary has good filling foods like sushi, pasta and all the yummy goodness but we’ve got chips and juicies but is it really worth the money? A lot of the food is gone by lunch time because the kids are buying everything which is what it’s there for but stocking up and getting everything ready before lunch should be a priority. The money they get is most likely going towards stocking up the canteen but it goes down quite fast. I would like to see more hot foods added to the menu with good prices. Students are hungry all the time and so am I but chips, drinks, cup of noodles or a pie ain’t gonna do it. The school isn’t rich I get that but they could try with what they sell. Replace the littles chips with maybe containers of pasta, rice & chicken, dumplings whatever is affordable because those little packets hardly get brought. Okay this is making me hungry. Also, something is wrong with some of the students here, they do not know how to navigate their way through school without bumping into me or their bags pushing me out of my place. Like hello look where your going and walk properly. The principal needs to paint some walking lanes or something at this point because some of them just need that extra help. Just a suggestion. No oh my goodness imagine walking lanes, okay it’s not that serious but it bothers me. What is up with people wanting to have fights with everyone, like who said this was a fighting school? Y’all needa calm down. No teacher wants to deal with your crap because you can’t keep your hands to yourself. Or you can take it out of school, you don’t look cool you just look really immature and stupid. There’s good and bad to this school but it needs a lot more work.
Feb 13, 2023

Bad school

Very bad school. So much pressure on students. Teachers r horrible at teaching. Don't recommend sending your child there!
Former Student
Feb 13, 2023

I do not recommend

This school has had so many kids drop bc of how shit it is. None of the teacher rlly care at all. No freedom. And all the kids are bully's bc none of the teacher care about bullying only about the school uniform and weather or not u have money.
Former Student
Jan 31, 2023

Education is of least importance

The school wasn't good, the teachers aren't very good and they don't support students in ways that they should. Their main concern is uniform policies not our educational needs
Former Student
Apr 26, 2021

Great experience

Overall KKC was a great school, the teachers were friendly and due to the small size, were always able to give you that extra bit of attention or help in their own time.

In the higher levels of college you are given enough freedom to be able to make your own choices.

Overall the staff and my classmates made the school. There were a few teachers I didn’t like, but the ones I did made up for it. I’m grateful for the friends I made. Would recommend.
Nov 2, 2020

I don’t not suggest

I do not recommend!!!
Sep 27, 2020

Do not go this school

bad school, teachers are useless at teaching students. too much pressure put on everyone, the overall teaching system of this school must be changed.
Former Student
Aug 31, 2020

Loved it!

I loved KKC, the teachers were all lovely and seemed to love their jobs. Very few weren’t willing to go above and beyond for you
Beach Road, Unknown, Katikati
Carolyn Pentecost
07 549 0434

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