The school is horrible, just today I was threatened with being jumped because I had a pretty standard watch, most of the people vape, I have seen many people vape in and out of class and the teachers just don't do anything even though you can smell it from Africa. Fights happen frequently and the bullying is insane! If you try to make an appointment with the guidance team (emailing them) it takes 1 to 4 weeks to respond oh and they say it is confidential but no matter the subject you talk to them about they just email your parents anyway even though we aren't adults we should at least have some basic privacy. Last year it was a common thing for people to go around popping people's bike tyres. That is just stupid. The teachers are crap apart from the select minority, most teachers are mean and don't really care. But some teachers do let you eat in class so at least it's not all bad. At the assembly, they make you stand up just for the senior leadership and dean and whatnot I get it for like the prime minister but, this is just excessive.
Some of the education is good but otherwise, it is just sht. The school has made changes to the timetable for 3 years in a row JUST STICK TO ONE TIMETABLE FORMAT! Like why is ILT in the middle of the day rather than in form time. The students who perform better academically and the students who do really well in sports like rugby are the teacher's favourites and are treated superiorly to the regular performing students. I know this because I perform well in my sport and my academics. The fake hood rats and fake eshays will jump you or threaten you and it sucks going around with the subconscious thought that you may get beaten up today as it just lingers over your head. The school cares more about reputation and grades than the student's well-being, this may not be true for the minority of teachers like I said but the school in general sucks. DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD HERE! oh, and the teachers tell you off for stupid reasons like I got an imposition (writing upwards of 1000 words by hand) for not doing my work well I was sick, I had no access to my book I needed to read to do the work on as that was at school, it also cost money to read it online so I was stuck with no options, and some of them make you feel stupid and belittle you.
I highly recomed this school so fun so much opportunities to take on like going to Egypt as a social studies trip going to see old people and soooooooooooooooooo much more to explore teacher are amazing and lots of amazing memories to be stored in you bod on the bad side is WATCH OUT FOR PEOPLE SMOKING go find a teach and tell them imedilty
People jerk off in the bathrooms and they always ask to suck ur cock
This school is ass the teachers don't care about your mental health and they have no logic whatsoever People always jerk off in the bathroom and they will try rape u if u enter the bathroom.
I'm sitting here right now in my class, supposed to be working on I.L.T but then I realised how much this school SUCKS. Last year when I was in year 7 I had this teacher, she would emotionally abuse kids into being smart. When people were too scared to do a presentation -- like they would cry and sht -- the teacher would yell at them for being weak or force them to do it in front of the class whilst they're crying their eyes out. One time there was this fight on the field last year, no one got told off, non of the teachers cared but I got a DETENTION for calling someone a snitch? Plus half of the male teachers a pervs and half of the female teachers are REALLY strict. I'm only year 8 and I want to finish
As a year 8 student currently attending this school, I want to write my honest review.
Too put it shortly, this school is attrocious!
First year of school a kid in my class that I'm not afraid to name but I wont due to privacy reasons, bought 2 pocket knives to school and would threaten my classmates including me on a daily basis until we spoke up, for all we know he just got stood down for a day, they made up excuses for the parents blaming it on his "Autism" like no? Hes a phsyco and needs to be in a hospital! He would punch and kick one of my friends who I will also not be naming, everytime he threatened to speak up!?
Vaping, every single day in the bathrooms from ehsays? I know the school cant do much about it, but still? Install some form of smoke detectors or something I dont know? And dont get me started about the bullying that goes on! Go on the news, schoolparrot, twitter, facebook or even tiktok! Its atrochious to see how horrible people are to eachother when this is suppose to be a "Bully-free" school, they try to cover it all up by telling the kids that guidance is avalible, yet it takes 2-4 weeks for them to email back?
With the guidance, kids usually go because they dont trust their parents just yet, so they have given enough trust to the guidance people just for them to email your parents after? Then the school wonders why nobody trusts them.
All the time telling kids trash, instead of telling the kids to speak up about bullying, harrasment or anything along the lines, they simply tell the kids "Just dont record it" in short words, "Dont let social media know, our reputation needs to go up" Well guess what? Your reputation is 1.5! Nearly as bad as Whangaparoa.
Some of the teachers are horrible, putting kids down or telling them lies, such as rejecting girls when they ask to simply use the bathroom because "We should have gone at break" and if the girl says they are on their period, sometimes the teacher changes their mind, but if its a Male teacher he will simply shrug it off and tell them "Just hold it in" like, how immature are you in order to tell a girl that?! Youve been alive for like 50 years, atleast 2 wives in with 3 daughters and yet you dont know how a period works? Maybe you should go to school and get educated.
The whole school is just bad, I understand the new principle might try and do something about it, and it is hard for teachers to do things, but somethings they CAN change.
Nearly every single child that has came out of this school either addicted to nicotine, a drug user, in the phsyc ward, or all 3 of them! Coming from someone who needs to be in a phsyc ward (😂)
School used to be fun but now its a chore and a danger, to any parents reading this, please consider taking your child here.
Do not go here. Teacher made a innopropriate comment saying her cheeks claps when she walks. Then she showed a visual representation of it to me. #whangabetter #cancelorewacollege
This school seems horrendously horrible, one of my friends sister had a stalker at this school based on the reviews this is one of many bad colleges to attend. I'm a student at a nearer school to this and it seems dreadful, now at this point I don't understand why my close friend is moving to this school they should've stayed at my school not move to Orewa College but I do understand why they want to move but personally my college is really not even that bad aside from the students and some teachers in my opinion most of the teachers are actually really really nice. Anyways DO NOT SEND YOUR KIDS HERE 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ look at the reviews and go to another school.
I hated this school when i first started and i still do in my last year... when i was in y7, I had to have an Incorrect Uniform Pass for my taonga. My mother had to book an appointment with the previous principal so i could have permission TO HAVE this "Permanent pass". I'd also get side-eye by two teachers in y7 because they would try to catch me not having that pass on me.
in y8 i got into a fight with another girl who was throwing racial slurs at me it ended with me getting most of the blame and she got away with it as well as being pitied by most of the teaching staff. i got into the most fights this year because the teachers never did anything and it ended with me having to stick up for myself.
y9 was by far the BEST year at this school, I only have good memories cause of my friends and the only year where i had the most fun...
y10 everyone in my year level was treated like a lab rat with us having 5 subjects (periods) a day and with 3 of those subjects we had 6 classes. i only had te reo once a week that year, 2 science and 2 maths etc. That year recked my mental health, my friends' mental friends and my teachers as they all left the school because of that year.
y11 was starting to get a bit better but a few of my teachers were racist as one would pick on all the brown kids in the class, and call me dumb out loud when i couldn't sound out a word. basically degraded the whole class when we didnt know what a metaphor was instead of teaching us what it is. another teacher would sneak up on me and clap/yell in my ear "to see if im doing work" That year i got PTSD to the point i never showed up to class and had a breakdown even just sitting there...
as someone who has gone to this school for 7 years DO NOT SEND YOUR KID HERE, i cried almost every day, even walking/busing here because of how this school treated me, even Westlake is better than here. they focus on issues that aren't that important like the uniform and when we are "failing" in school they put the entire blame on us and say we won't amount to anything.
Orewa College is the forefront for a flawed system,
Orewa College has integrated systems designed to bring down the student's learning capabilities. One of the teachers. forced Lies after lies on us students throughout my entire learning period. Forced to do 3 subjects in one during year 9, Mai time and Ako time which destroyed my learning. The school somehow keeps getting worse and worse, the teachers a predominantly useless with many relying on slides made years ago by former teachers. The learning opportunities are poor and not done properly. Since 2020 they have constantly changed the system and criteria. Constant bullying/ Vaping. Eshays run rife doing what they want due to a lack of punishment and discipline. Bathrooms are constantly being locked due to vandalism and other reasonings. The poor grounds keepers have to deal with constant floodings fecal matter all over the floor and other appalling things seen in the bathrooms, due to the lack of discipline. Orewa college does not promote learning it teaches kids to be a slave to society with no real thinking involved in doing the tasks. Students are not set up in any way for NCEA causing many to drop out. Recently a wellbeing survey was sent out to students. We were told by our teachers that it was to be confidential, however we were lied to. I was called up to the guidance councilor as I had answered completely honestly, they lied to all of us and many were called up to the guidance councilor. This will be the last time I and most people in my year will do a survey by the school as the corruption is shown in the fact that we were blatantly lied to. The system is flawed and Orewa College is the forefront for this flawed system. Do not send your kids here.
This school is the worst school I’ve been to. A lot of teachers are mean and rude plus there’s people being racist like this happens to everyday to me some mf calls people including me something bad and making people feel unsafe.
Mrs G____n Is not letting us play rugby even when we had supervision and another teacher is told us that we can with supervision and that teacher Mr G_____S over rides her
Orewa college definitely deserves the bad reputation it has. There are so many people who have mental health problems such as kids and teachers. I am a student and currently attend orewa college. If you have read the reviews that some kids that go here have written that they hate it and its infested with horrible people. The girls are self centered and bitchy the boys only care about their drugs and how they look and attract people. And everyone vapes it's true yes. But there's so much worse stuff going on in this school. fights and threats on a daily basis so many people all ages getting ausslted for no reason and the school does nothing . girls get sexually harrased and assaulted school does nothing they say "he just likes you" and that is not something girls need to be taught- to go for a guy whoIis abusive. all the school cares about is their reputation which is bad enough as it is. Please don't send your child here their safety and innocence will be gone. I want to move so bad help me please .
Im writing as a father of a year 9 student attending this school, I want give my honest review and overall this school is a total mess. Always in the kids asses and are super petty towards them. Every assembly has started off with negative news and what the kids have done wrong and nothing good. I know the school wants the best and try to push them but they're pushing them too far and expect far to much from these young students. So many bullies and fights they aren't taken care of. I recommend sending your child to another school where they will be in a safe environment where the teachers care and look after the students and listen because this is unacceptable and I expect better from Orewa College due to them having Gregory Pierce as their Principle.
this is a very bad school, a teacher licked my bum once because I was being "naughty" in the bathrooms :((
once the teacher asked for this yr12 vape and took it t the stall and had a puff which i thought was very disgraceful of her.
I think this school is fun if you want to get licked in the bum but that's all if not I think you should go to Whanga #whangaontop!!!!!!!!!!!
Its been around a year since I went to this school but things have gotten worse.
Multiple sexual assaults and rapes have happened here and the staff has done nothing to stop it. Constant bullying happens every day, and this school claims they have a "no-bullying policy". Rumors spread like wildfire in this school and if someone doesn't like what you're saying you better watch your back. Fights happen every day it's incredibly bad the teachers have put no effort except making the field out of bounds. The school culture is so terrible and no one has put an effort to change it. The school only cares about money and its outside reputation since if most people saw what's going on in this school it would possibly be shut down. Another thing is that most schools in the area such as whangaparoa are the same and it's really disgusting how this has been going on for so long. The mental health services are horrid as well they barely do much and despite saying stuff is confidential they will tell everything to your parents which could cause stress for a child. The education is pretty rubbish with teachers telling you off for asking questions, a teacher's job is to support and teach a child not to put them down for them being curious.This school and the staff should be ashamed of how long this has been going on. I personally moved to a school away from the hibiscus coast area and I've been improving my mental health slowly. Please don't ever send your kids here sadly most good schools are out of the zone for the area but it's worth every dollar to send them to somewhere where your child can flourish and enjoy themselves or even just homeschool them.
Yeah there was a lot of bullying at Orewa College mostly from peers but the deans and deputies were almost worse. Being told by deans to “give up on my career dream” because “no female has ever done it”. Well screw you all, I did it, and I’m fucking flying… the deputy principals would harass and bully students for no reason, and the school cares more about uniform than the well-being of the students.
No kids like going to school but orewa college makes that even worse, They have no support in place for struggling students physically mentally or even to do with learning, It is appalling
The opportunities and education were about the only good things about it other than some of the teachers. a lot of students will complain about the teachers but most of the students at orewa are toxic assholes and don’t respect the teachers in the first place. my teachers were about the only good part of my day. the kids at orewa simply bully and tease to no end that i simply gave up in my last few years and didn’t give a single fuck. the higher ups did jack shit and the schools still toxic as all hell.
Orewa sucked for the first few years and the only reason it didn’t suck towards the end was because i simply gave up on giving a single shit. the peers at school were toxic as hell and caused waaay to many issues which the teachers ignored. a lot of my teachers were very nice each year, only the occasional dickhead. most people hate the teachers but i found if you treat them nicely and mind your damn business they’re really chill. that being said a lot of teachers were twats and didn’t seem to give two shits about us. really didn’t change much over the years, really sad
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Some of the education is good but otherwise, it is just sht. The school has made changes to the timetable for 3 years in a row JUST STICK TO ONE TIMETABLE FORMAT! Like why is ILT in the middle of the day rather than in form time. The students who perform better academically and the students who do really well in sports like rugby are the teacher's favourites and are treated superiorly to the regular performing students. I know this because I perform well in my sport and my academics. The fake hood rats and fake eshays will jump you or threaten you and it sucks going around with the subconscious thought that you may get beaten up today as it just lingers over your head. The school cares more about reputation and grades than the student's well-being, this may not be true for the minority of teachers like I said but the school in general sucks. DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD HERE! oh, and the teachers tell you off for stupid reasons like I got an imposition (writing upwards of 1000 words by hand) for not doing my work well I was sick, I had no access to my book I needed to read to do the work on as that was at school, it also cost money to read it online so I was stuck with no options, and some of them make you feel stupid and belittle you.