When I was a teen, I went to this school and it was perfect. The students are nice, the teachers care about you. so overall, this school is great. A+++
i hate this school it sucks so much it could jump in a pit and no one would care teachers are so bad espicialy the new associate princpal hes so annoying and theres only like 4 good teachers thats it putin please nuke the school
I got bullied there for about 2 years with death threats and everything, the principals and teacher did nothing about it because it was ‘out of school times’ but everything that happened, happened during school times. I got told that I have good enough family support so they will not worry about me but instead try and comfort the people who were making my life hell, it was the worst experience in my life and I would give anything to change it.
Plus the environment is not any better, it’s too crowded with too many people, and not enough resources to teach everyone properly. The teachers just focus on the naughty kids and laugh and gossip with them when there’s kids who actually need help but just get ignored. Not a great school at all.
Plus the principal only cared about the boys rugby teams and spending all the money on that.
mate when i tell u do not send ur kids to this school i’m being dead shit. one of the most insanely strict school for no bloody reason, 4th day in and they’ve probably sent more than half the school home or stood them down for having the wrong bloody socks or shoes and mate the teachers don’t even teach they just look out for wrong uniforms or bloody nose piercings and omg don’t even get me started on the size of the school, 88 students in 1 classroom. MATE
I love how there are many classes to choose from and so many opportunities that the school offers and teachers who will help you. Teachers are good at teaching I'd say (Not all of them!). Teachers are pretty moody but i guess it's like that at all schools. It's a bit hard to write a reveiw as it's the school I've been to the longest so it's hard to compare it to anything else. Seems to be alot of fights, I hear about them, see them online and in person. Also there is alot of rubbish everywhere and that part sucks. Also yucky as toilets. I recommend it for active people who want to work hard and work with others.
Bad school. Went here for years and isnt good. The environment is noisy so very hard to focus on school work because of the commons instead of classrooms. The teachers SUCK and do not teach you ANYTHING apart from a few good teachers. I had to teach myself through youtube videos ALOT of the time. The principal does not care about his students education, only about publicity. Also teachers get away with many things that they shouldn’t because they are teachers. Students aren’t great either. School is VERY over crowded (not enough resources e.g computers for students, not even enough seats for everyone to sit down while they learn, 40-50 students in some classes with 1 teacher, making learning very difficult) Don’t send your kids here.
Teachers are invading your personal life and make students uncomfortable majority of the time. It's a horrible work environment and the entire school is full of racist, homophobic students and teachers.
I studied here for 4 years. The teachers are terrible at their jobs, I barely learnt anything there and didn't feel any support. As for the students, lots of bullying, racism, sexism, sexual harassment, ****, etc and the teachers don't do anything about it. I got in to trouble for holding hands with a boy but when I was groped in front of 3 teachers none of them cared. The study environment isn't good either. Instead of classrooms there are commons which are noisy and difficult to learn in. Worse school experience ever.
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