Look, Ponsonby has some good features, but over all its a pretty bad school. What I got from my 'Ponsonby Expierence" Was that if you weren't in what we call the "Smart Kids Class" or didn't do any sports, then no one took notice of you. All the school cares about is sports, which is good and bad. A lot of the teachers suck, and are rude. They say they are getting you ready for the future to being honest I hated every minute of that school and I'm glad to be gone, the only thing I miss is my friends. If you're a parent with a not so sporty child, who doesn't have the biggest brain don't send your child here, they're just in for two years of hell. They have a good preforming arts program though, which is an upside. Tuck shop is also hella expensive.
Ponsonby Intermediate Was a wonderful experience especially with the teachers shout out to my favorite teachers Mrs Wilson and miss valentine there are some issues with the vaping problems but that's it ponsonby has spectacular activities and opportunities I've loved this intermediate and was proud to be apart of the ponsonby experience.
Ponsonby Intermediate has wonderful teachers, however they focus far too much on the accomplishments of those in the ‘smart class’ and all other kids have no attention paid to them. If you weren’t in the smart class or good at sports then the school wouldn’t take any notice of you or your accomplishments
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(I lost my virginity here)