My son went here a couple of years ago and didn't get a warm welcome even though he was a woman especially in 2023 when he started to transition to a woman the doctors chopped his cock off. anyway, he was severely bullied to the point he wanted to sew his cock back on I'm very disappointed in this school.
I was at westlake and a boy dressed as a girl came up to me and pulled down my sock with his teeth .And all the teachers just watched and laugh and ate the left overs dont get gwet me started on mer bob. food ight
Pulled my daughter out after only 2 terms.
Bullying at an all time high, girls are rude.
I’ve seen multiple videos of girls fighting and jumping other girls, on the turf , in the bathrooms, at smales farm. Your girls ARE NOT SAFE HERE. Staff and management don’t do a thing. Too many deans, too many house deans to go through to get to the bottom of bullying.
They don’t do anything unless you involve the police and then all of a sudden they want to help. IT SHOULDNT EVEN HAVE TO GET THAT FAR! your a bloody college! Sort your students out.
Soo much for “Te Mana Wāhine
Education for Empowerment”
You need to change your school quote. False advertisement
Westlake Girls was the worst 5 years of my life. The amount of bullying and racism that goes on at this school and the teachers just turn a blind eye to it. I was scared when I was at school as there were many fights and lots of violence.The school environment is extremely toxic, I felt anxious going to school almost every day and counsellors were useless. Everyone is fake and the school only cares about you if you’re good at sports or very academic for anyone else you’re treated like crap. Do yourself a favour and do NOT come to this school I was extremely honest in this review.
it was the worst time of my life. cried almost every day, got bullied and harassed. i’m autistic and i was not able to express myself or stimulate myself without being told off for “not listening” or “being rude”. severe lack of awareness around mental health, counsellors did not help and nurses were rude. complained several times of chest and period pains and was told to take pain killers and go back to lunch / class. teachers treated me specially and embarrassingly when i was clearly uncomfortable and lost.everything is too expensive including the tuck shop food. the point of a tuck shop is to be cheap and accessible for students. it was way overpriced and not even yum. hopefully it changes back to the old menu for the future students.
gym class was scary. so many injuries got put off because “it’s just a sprained ankle. you’ll be fine”. many students were forced to swim or participate in sports even when on their period / having bad cramps.
there’s a general toxicity about westlake girls. lots of bullying, hate culture and backstabbing. would not recommend sending your child there unless you want them to have many implanted hateful attitudes towards minorities. lots of racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and more. all very apparent.
Good overall but always finds a way to profit off of the students.
Good school with academics, sports and music. However I think it's unacceptable how they make the year 13s pay for their own graduation. I spent my whole high school putting in effort, getting good grades and yet I can't afford to attend my own graduation. It's disgusting and now I understand where Westalke gets it's reputation of being a snobby school. I just wanted the headmaster to shake my hand and give me my certificate once I completed high school yet they just want to find a way to make a profit out of the event.
Went here my whole high school life, this school only cares about sports and have absolutely terrible mental health services, they are nonexistent. I dropped out middle of year 12 due to a breakdown and being diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and they did nothing to help me or try understand. This school discriminates against students suffering from mental health issues. The deans don’t care, the teachers don’t care. At Westlake, no one cares about you unless you’re achieving things that make the school look good. Great school for determined athletes. Terrible school for anyone else.
Great school. The teachers are all really helpful and academically the school is very good. However, there have been a few incidents of racism at the school in the past. Also, the system for late detentions could be better because getting a detention for being late even one time seems kind of excessive. The tuckshop prices as well can be a bit expensive. Overall, the school is a very good academic, sporty school with supportive teachers.
Some teacher's are amazing but others are just terrible. If you ask them a question rather than answering that question they would put you down on that spot making you scared to ask another question. Also mental health is clearly something this school does not care about. Speeches can bring up major anxiety and I understand that we need a note from an actual doctor to prove we have anxiety but some students arent in a place where they can get themselves a doctor to diagnose them with an actual mental health.
class of 21 and would not recommend, they couldn’t care less about personal well-being especially in sporting areas. makes you feel terrible lol wish i went to rangitoto
Westlake Girls need to improve their mental health system, they do not promote mental health support to their students ever. This school also needs to improve on their diversity, there is casual racism at this school and teachers turn a blind-eye to this, there is also no obvious support for students in the LGBTQ+ community. Westlake Girls need to improve their teachers first and school system first before priding themselves as a reputabble, inclusive school because they are not. The food is also horribly priced, they should find another catering company as students are not wealthy. Detentions should also not be given out to those who are late as some of us cannot help that we are late, some students may have younger siblings to look after or they may have had a late night studying for their internal.
In my experience, Westlake has shown little to no compassion due to mental health. Everyone I know at this school has been getting diagnosed with anxiety and depression from the extra unnecessary stress this school puts on us. They are very aware that a big chunk of this school experiences these mental health issues and have chosen to ignore them. This school doesn’t care about the students, they only care about their reputation.
The teachers at Westlake girls are very rude and show no empathy to students struggling and falling behind. In my experience, I was behind the class but was a good student who wouldn’t talk, go on my phone or get distracted, I was just struggling and my teacher said to me “you’re not improving so I refuse to help or teach you and recommend you just drop out”
The school gives extra privileges to sports teams and invests more money in their sports than they do on academic equipment.
Everyone raves about westlake, but it’s honestly overrated. The quality of learning is less than I expected and I feel my academic level is actually going downhill as some teachers either put on too much pressure or too little (very stressful and unbalanced). I think it just wasn’t as good as I’d hoped.
good school, teachers are a bit slack and don't really focus on individual learning and helping the people that struggle. not very understanding or helpful when it comes to mental health. good variety of sports and subject choices.
Okay school, education wise most teachers are good, knowledgeable and kind. The school really doesn't seem to care that much about mental health though, constantly advertising they do, they have linked all students to an app and reference the school counselors frequently but the councelors aren't the greatest.
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